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    Platinum Bio SPIN 330 kW

    8,950.50 EUR
    Manufacturer: Kostrzewa
    Model: Platinum Bio SPIN 230 kW
    Shipment:24 hours
    Product avaliable
    Weight:60.00 kg
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    Platinum Bio SPIN 330 kW

    Platinum Bio SPIN is a new line of appliances burning in pellet biomass fuel for zapopieleniu up to 2% (pellet class A1, A2, B).

    Pellets Class B will cost approx. 600 zł / ton.

    Ideal for modernization of boiler fuel oil.


    Always a class above. Unique sense of independence - you decide from whom and for how much you are buying fuel.


    Burners Platinum Bio SPIN achieve enormous power with high economic efficiency of the combustion process and low exhaust emissions. It is an ideal replacement burner for heating oil. With this solution, you can save up to 50% of expenditure on fuel oil.
    We offer a choice of models with natępujące group of burners Platinum Bio SPIN:


    PB 55 o mocy od 16,5 do 55 kW

    PB 110 o mocy od 33 do 110 kW

    PB 165 o mocy od 50 do 165 kW

    PB 230 o mocy od 69 do 230 kW

    PB 330 o mocy od 99 do 330 kW




    Platinum Bio burner spin innovative rotary burner combustion chamber, which allows the combustion of granular fuels from biomass zapopieleniu up to 2% (pellets A1, A2, B); patented in the Patent Office.
    cleaning the burner has never been so simple-mechanical cleaning of the combustion chamber through rotation of the grate Burner Platinum Bio SPIN. The frequency of rotation is programmable depending on the type of fuel which contributes to remove excessive amounts of ash. With this feature, the need for quenching of the burner is reduced from three days to approx. 2 weeks! (Depending on the ash content of the fuel).
    can be mounted to a variety of boilers, eg. fuel oil, coal, wood, etc. allows to achieve very low exhaust emission and high efficiency of the device.
    material resistant to temperatures exceeding 1200 ° C to 6mm thick.
    secondary air diffuser - allows to achieve very low exhaust emission and high efficiency of the device.
    high efficiency devices - up to 99%.
    made of high quality elementówprzystosowanych the most difficult working conditions.
    Automatic operation: rozpalalnie cleaning.
    flame detection sensors in a precise way its level.
    Fuzzy Logic method 2nd generation supporting smooth power adjustment
    Low thermal inertia
    lambda probe allows full control of the combustion process (optional)
    Platinum Bio automation fully compatible with automatic oil-fired boiler and a gas oven and baking
    Platinum Bio burner is protected by a protective issue of 239,457 given by the Polish Patent Office



    Durability - designed and manufactured with the highest quality heat-resistant steel and stainless steel - 3 year warranty reduces the cost of its operation and maintenance in the long-term use
    Ecology - CO2 emissions = 0
    Fuel savings up to 40% - using a system Fuzzy Logic 2 generation and broadband lambda probe *
    Economy - low consumption of electrical energy needed to operate the device with a photocell
    Convenience - the device fully automated - just the same thing ignites and extinguishes
    Innovation - may be used interchangeably with oil burner (saving 50% compared to the oil and 60% relative to the liquefied petroleum gas)
    Multifunctional - can control several heating circuits, solar system and the buffer tank *
    Independence - you decide from whom and for how much you are buying fuel
    Fuzzy logic method of adjusting the second generation part 2 and the menus allow to reduce the amount of fuel burned by 20% and also reduced wear on the rings relative to competitive (reduced amount rozpaleń significantly reduces the amount of electricity consumed)
    Low price with EU support
    Burner components are made of heat-resistant steel to withstand temperatures up to 1150 ° C
    The fuel tank is made of galvanized steel - cover sheet zinc reduces the corrosion of the fuel tank

    Budowa palnika Platinum Bio SPIN

    Foto.Platinum Bio SPIN: 55 kW, 110kW, 165kW, 230 kW, 330kW
    Combined with precise, automatic adjustment of the amount of air using a broadband lambda sensor (optional) we saved 40% of the fuel consumed.

    Platinum Bio smoothly and intelligently adjusts the dose of fuel and air ..


    fuel feeder
    fan pressure
    exhaust fan
    fan lighter
    boiler temperature
    feeder temperature
    temperature C.O.
    temperature of hot tap water
    outside temperature
    Room temperature-programmable
    Lambda probe
    pump C.O.
    pump hot tap water
    mixing valve
    cooperation with GSM module meets the three main criteria:
    1.Komunikacji the controller via SMS (using a mobile phone in a simple way you can read or change the parameters of the controller of the heating from anywhere.).

    2.Zdalna work with the controller (can oversee the operation of the boiler and make changes to settings from anywhere in the house).

    3.Praca autonomous (allows you to set SMS alerts on significant changes in the work of sensors).

    INTERNET- collaboration module allows remote access to current information about your heating system and changing the parameters through the website 4pellet.net by any device with a web browser.

    The service offers additional features:

    1. Analytical tools in the form of charts:

    - Chart ogólny- represents the work of all the most important components of the heating system. It has options to display only selected items, the ability to choose date range and setting the drawing accuracy even samples every 10 seconds.

    - Chart solarów- sure every user of this technology is curious how much energy received in a given year, month or day. Additionally, the system will calculate the financial return obtained through solar energy.

    - Chart wear paliwa- similar to the chart for Solar Panel are shown archive data on fuel consumption by the boiler along with complimentary expense for each year, month and day.

    2. E-mail notifications about new alarm: Each alarm controller is immediately sent to the user specified by the e-mail.

    3. Sharing of heating systems: one account can be assigned unlimited number of systems grzewczych- own and others, who have made their heating system. There are 3 types of permissions: owner, technician, an observer.

    Kostrzewa 4pellet NET

    Characteristics of the driver Platinum Bio:

    easy to use thanks to the large graphic display, large fonts and icons
    Two types of menu - the menu simple and advanced, depending on the user's needs
    info button wywyłujący description containing useful information about a particular parameter
    The modular construction of the CAN controller - thanks to professional industrial CAN bus data exchange is possible expansion of the system to control up to 16 heating circuits
    efficient modern 32-bit ARM processor (ARM family is widely used mobile phones) - enables advanced control algorithm Fuzzy Logic II
    restore factory set points - function allows you to restore factory settings control
    sound alarm signaling - integrated piezoelectric loudspeaker signals the occurrence of an alarm in the boiler, which increases operating safety device
    Statistics - the controller stores the statistical data of the system, so it is possible to observe the work and reduce fuel consumption. Eg. The observation of temperature and power boiler burner. Time of fuel feeder operation
    clock with calendar - the clock enables programming in weekly cycles the required room temperatures and hot water which contributes to the reduction of expenditure on fuel
    history of alarms and errors - the controller keeps a history of the last 20 errors and alarms with description, date of creation and date of confirmation.
    Automatic Fuzzy Logic 2 generation broadband lambda probe, is a specialized electronic circuit that is responsible not only for maintaining the constant temperature of the boiler through
    the appropriate dosage of fuel and air, but also control of the entire heating system of the building including: heat buffer, solar system and 16 additional heating circuits.
    Why Fuzzy Logic method 2nd generation?
    saves 20% of fuel
    largely eliminates the formation of impurities and soot in the boiler
    High temperature stabilization of the boiler - eliminates the condensation of water vapor in the boiler
    the combustion chamber temperature is high and stable thus reducing the emission of carbon oxides
    burner output is calculated using an advanced algorithm method of Fuzzy Logic 2 generation
    regulator Pellets Fuzzy Logic Control M adjusts the power of the burner according to the building's energy needs
    burner is no longer heated by the combustion chamber, and only in such circumstances is reached maximum efficiency
    a lot of starts burner reduces the resultant efficiency of the device
    fuzzy logic algorithm 2nd generation is more advanced than the PID algorithm and fuzzy logic 1 generation used in other devices.


    Technical data:


    PPB 55 kW PPB 110 kW PPB 165 kW PPB 230 kW PPB 330 kW
    Zakres mocy grzewczej dla pelet [kW] 16,5-55 33-110 49,5-165 69-230 99-330
    Emisyjność CO [ppm] <100 <100 <100 <100 <100
    Paliwo pelet pelet pelet pelet pelet
    Średnica paliwa [mm] 6 - 8 6 - 8 6 - 8 6 - 8 6-8
    Napięcie zasilania [V] 230 230 230 230 230
    Średni pobór pradu [W] 380-680 460-760 600-900 600-900 600-900
    Stopień ochrony  IP40 IP 40 IP 40 IP 40 IP 40
    Długość podajnika standard [m]  2 2 2 2 2
    Pojemność zbiornika  [L]  295  295  295  295 295
    Długość podajnika (opcja) [m]  2.5; 3.0  2.5; 3.0  2.5; 3.0  2.5; 3.0 2.5; 3.0
    Pojemności zbiornika (opcja) [L]












    Selection of power to the facility:

    Moc palnika (kW) 55 110 165 230 330
    Powierzchnia grzewcza(m2) 370-660 600-1300 700-2000 1100-2600 1300-4000

    Powierzchnia podana jest przy wysokości pomieszczeń 2,5m


    Moc palnika (kW) 55 110 165 230 330
    Powierzchnia grzewcza(m3) 925-1650 1500-3250 1750-5000 2750-6500 3250-10000

    For greater ease of use of the boiler we have created a dedicated applications that allow you to control the boiler equipped with a burner Platinum Bio and GSM module from Android or iOS.

    The control is done by sending and receiving SMS messages.
    KOSTRZEWA_Aplikacja_Android_GSM KOSTRZEWA Aplikacja IOS GSM
    Pobierz aplikację Kostrzewa - sterowanie kotłem z Google Play Pobierz aplikację Kostrzewa - sterowanie kotłem z App Store


    automatic reception of messages from the device,
    one request for all parameters,
    unlimited number of supported devices,
    the ability to define your own set points of the boiler (temperature, operating mode, turn on / off the burner and controller), water (water circuit and program) and heating (heating circuit, program, temperature comfortable and economical)
    All news about the status of the devices have assembled in one place.
    The program is fully functional, with no ads and free!

    Kostrzewa Aplikacja Android GSM Zrzut ekranu iphone ios - Kostrzewa
    Zrzut ekranu aplikacji pod systemem Android Zrzut ekranu aplikacji pod systemem iOS - iPhone

    Optional equipment:

    KOSTRZEWA Czujnik temperatury pokojowej

    Czujnik temperatury pokojowej

    KOSTRZEWA Czujnik temperatury pokojowej

    Czujnik temperatury pokojowej 
    (z płynną regulacją +/- 3°C)

    KOSTRZEWA Czujnik temperatury pokojowej bezprzewodowy

     Bezprzewodowy czujnik temperatury pokojowej 

    (z płynną regulacją +/- 3°C)


    Moduł GSM


    Moduł INTERNET

    Agropelet A1, A2, B, Tak
    Paliwo pelet Tak
    Paliwo pelet/owies Tak
    Gabaryty Platinum Bio SPIN 55 kWDownload file
    Gabaryty Platinum Bio SPIN 110 kWDownload file
    Gabaryty Platinum Bio SPIN 165 kWDownload file
    Gabaryty Platinum Bio SPIN 230 kWDownload file
    Gabaryty Platinum Bio SPIN 330 kWDownload file
    Deklaracja zgodności.Download file

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