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    Midi Bio NE 52 kW

    10,286.39 EUR
    Manufacturer: Kostrzewa
    Model: Midi Bio NE 52 kW
    Shipment:24 hours
    Product avaliable
    Weight:350.00 kg
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    Midi Bio NE 52 kW
    Midi Bio NE is a synergy of quality and savings.

    It has the ECODESIGN certificate (EKOPROJEKT), energy class A + and energy efficiency and pollutant emission standards specified in the implementing measures to Directive 2009/125 / W of October 21, 2009 and COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/1189.

    It burns any type of wood pellet (class: A1, A2, B - price already for approx. PLN 600 / ton).
    Midi Bio NEKlasa energetyczna A+OMS - wynalazek chroniony patentemKlasa 5Ecodesign 2020OMS - System nadzoru i kontroli
     Pelet A1                Pelet A2               Pelet B

    The boiler is on the subsidy lists in the following countries:


    The boiler is an effective and ecological solution created for large residential buildings as well as industrial facilities. The boiler exchanger is equipped with a ceramic chamber, which ensures lower combustion, lower emissivity and even higher efficiency. The used exhaust turbulators additionally affect the greater retention of energy in the boiler.



    The use of the highest quality materials and components from reliable suppliers for production guarantee high reliability of devices. Regular maintenance and annual service inspections are a way of comfortable operation for several years.



    For the sake of comfort, we have produced virtually maintenance-free boilers. Full automation enables self-ignition and quenching of the boiler, as well as monitoring the level of fuel in the tank and the amount of ash in the ash pit (OMS system). Users in advance are informed about the need to fill up the fuel and clean the ashtray. Visits to the boiler room can be kept to a minimum. OMS - patented invention available only in our devices.



    The innovative rotary PLATINUM BIO SPIN burner ensures maintenance-free burning of wood pellet classes: A1, A2 and B. Thanks to our technology, you can buy pellet even cheaper by 50% than users of boilers from other manufacturers, where more expensive class A1 fuel is required.



    All functions of the device and the heating system of the building can be supervised by a computer or smartphone (optional).



    The KOSTRZEWA company has over 200 qualified authorized service representatives in Poland and Europe, providing warranty and post-warranty service.



    A good boiler is not everything. We provide comprehensive solutions for the entire boiler room and even the heating system in the facility. We offer modern solutions in the field of: pellet storage, pneumatic fuel supply, cascade automation, weather control of the entire installation, c.o., control of hot water. and buffers, return protection, fuel and ash sensors, cooperation with a heat pump, as well as solar collectors and a gas boiler.

    Research and certificates
    Our boilers are tested in an accredited research unit associated in the international organization Association of Acreditation.


    The test results confirm that the KOSTRZEWA brand products meet the emission requirements set out in the Ecodesign Directive, as well as ensure the safety of use.


    Our boilers pass over 20 different tests, including

    Testing of boiler's strength at 4 bar
    Test of efficiency and emissions at 10%, 11% and 13% oxygen
    Examination of the actual consumption of electricity in each mode of operation and standby
    Test for work in a closed system without additional safeguards
    As a result, our boilers appear on state subsidy lists of equipment from many EU countries.

    Midi Bio NE

    Dobór mocy do obiektu

    42 kW 200 - 500 500 - 1250
    52 kW 300 - 750 750 - 1875
    Powierzchnia podana jest przy wysokości pomieszczeń 2,5 m.

    42 kW52 kW
    Ciąg kominowy mbar 0,15-0,25 0,15-0,25
    Pojemność wodna Litr 166 195
    Maksymalne ciśnienie robocze bar 2 2
    Ciśnienie testu bar 4 4
    Temperatura spalin dla mocy nominalnej °C 122,2 118,8
    Temperatura spalin dla mocy minimalnej °C 76,3 74,4
    Strumień masy spalin dla mocy nominalnej kg/s 0,028 0,031
    Strumień masy spalin dla mocy minimalnej kg/s 0,013 0,014
    Średnica czopucha mm 159 159
    Opory przepływu dla 10 K mbar 11,15 19,05
    Opory przepływu dla 20 K mbar 1,94 4,90
    Nominalna moc cieplna kW 42 52
    Zakres mocy cieplnej kW 12,6-42 15,6-52
    Sprawność dla mocy nominalnej % 92,7 93,5
    Sprawność dla mocy minimalnej % 93 94,4
    Klasa kotła wg EN 303-5:2012 5 5
    Okres spalania dla mocy nominalnej (wartość opałowa paliwa: 17 280 kJ/kg)
    - zbiornik 1386l (900kg)
    h 103 83
    Zakres ustawień regulatora temperatury °C 50-80 50-80
    Minimalna temperatura wody na powrocie °C 45 45
    Rodzaj paliwa Klasa Granulat z trocin
    (pellets wykonany zgodnie zEN 303-5:2012/PN- EN ISO 17225-2 - klasa C1 / A1)
    Paliwo testowe użyte w procesie certyfikacji - A1.
    Może również spalać pelet A2 i B.
    Pojemność zbiornika paliwa (opcja) Litr 295, 470, 770, 1368, 1460
    Wymiary otworu zasypowego mm 559x559 559x559
    Zasilanie [V, Hz, A] 230, 50, 2 230, 50, 2
    Pobór mocy elektrycznej dla mocy nominalnej W 110 89
    Pobór mocy elektrycznej dla mocy minimalnej W 32 28
    Pobór mocy elektrycznej w trybie „STANDBY” W 2 2
    Maksymalny pobór mocy elektrycznej W 950 1060
    Maksymalne natężenie dźwięku dB b.d. b.d.
    b.d. - brak danych
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